
Design and Application of Manufactured All-wood Hillslope Erosion Control Structures


The FlowCheck™ hillslope erosion control structure was developed to make it easier to accomplish erosion control on burned-over lands, graded slopes and other disturbed areas. The scientific basis for sediment storage behind wood hillslope structures was developed by the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. Forest Concepts, LLC combined the best available science with disciplined design according to the Appreciative Design methodology. The resulting structures are technically sound, while providing an important use for underutilized small diameter timber. Utilization of smallwood from forest thinning, fuel reduction programs and forest management provides revenues to landowners and new jobs in rural areas. More than 600 of the new structures were deployed in forest and wildlands during the fall of 2001. The paper details the design process and first year performance across a range of applications. A method for estimating sediment storage and specifying the spacing for hillslope erosion control materials is provided.

About the Publication 

Dooley, J.H. 2002. Design and Application of Manufactured All-wood Hillslope Erosion Control Structures. ASAE Paper 025014. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers.

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