
Simple experimental set up with EC meter, timer, and hot plate stirring device

Application of Buckmaster Electrolyte Ion Leakage Test to Woody Biofuel Feedstocks

Abstract In an earlier ASABE paper, Buckmaster reported that ion conductivity of biomass leachate in aqueous solution was directly correlated with activity access to plant nutrients within the biomass materials for subsequent biological or chemical processing. The Buckmaster test involves placing a sample of the particles in a beaker of constant-temperature deionized water and monitoring […]

Application of Buckmaster Electrolyte Ion Leakage Test to Woody Biofuel Feedstocks Read More »

Motor mount swing, torque arm, and force transducer

Torque-Arm Method to Measure Specific Energy in Laboratory Scale Biomass Preprocessing Equipment

Abstract  Specific energy for comminution and mechanical processing of lignocellulosic feedstocks provides an economically important basis to compare equipment and to provide data for lifecycle analysis of complete systems. Measurement of specific energy during equipment design and development activities enables optimization of design parameters. Forest Concepts developed a torque-arm apparatus and LabView data acquisition method

Torque-Arm Method to Measure Specific Energy in Laboratory Scale Biomass Preprocessing Equipment Read More »

Crushed Roundwood

Modeling Energy Consumption for Crushing of Roundwood as a First Stage of Feedstock Preparation

Abstract  Our objective is to apply an understanding of the modes of failure and structural biology to substantially reduce the comminution energy required to produce bioenergy feedstocks. This paper explores the modes of failure for wood materials subject to crushing forces and how they could be used to develop a mathematical model of crushing forces

Modeling Energy Consumption for Crushing of Roundwood as a First Stage of Feedstock Preparation Read More »

Poplar Crumbles

Protocol for Assessing Particle Shape of Comminuted Biomass

Abstract  Particle shape is increasingly important as a quality parameter for comminuted biomass. Shape affects flowability, pretreatment, rate of conversion, and performance of materials handling systems. This protocol applies to materials that have been subjected to commutation processes including but not limited to chunking, chipping, grinding or milling. Our objective is to enable a uniform

Protocol for Assessing Particle Shape of Comminuted Biomass Read More »

Baler Test 2008

Field Experience with Street Legal Square Baler for Woody Biomass

Abstract  We conducted a problem analysis in 2005 to recommend an optimal method for collection, transport, and handling of woody biomass in urban centers, suburban landscapes, and forested areas. The analysis concluded that street-legal biomass balers should replace tow-behind chippers to enable woody biomass to be packaged and handled just like other recyclables. Design and

Field Experience with Street Legal Square Baler for Woody Biomass Read More »

Loblolly Pine Comminution

Structured Interview Guide and Template for Specification of Woody Biomass Fuel and Feedstocks

Abstract Lack of full technical specification for biomass fuels and feedstocks is a major source of confusion, uncertainty, and conflict throughout the supply chain. With support from US Department of Agriculture and US Department of Energy, we have interviewed scores of industry participants and reviewed both the scientific and commercial literature to develop a template

Structured Interview Guide and Template for Specification of Woody Biomass Fuel and Feedstocks Read More »

Square Bales of Woody Biomass

Square Bales of Woody Biomass for Improved Logistics

Abstract  The majority of fuels reduction work is conducted by hand crews in the wild and urban interface and near in-forest recreation/administrative assets. Today, most of the biomass is either piled for burning at some future time or is dragged to the roadside for chipping. In many districts, disposal of chipped or whole brush is

Square Bales of Woody Biomass for Improved Logistics Read More »

Collecting Woody Slash

Interfacing Forest Engineering with Bioenergy Production

Abstract  Woody biomass from forestland, urban greenbelts, and residential areas has the potential to provide more than 150 million tons per year of cellulosic feedstocks for biorefineries, pellet fuels, and fermentation. Production sites range from urban lots to large wildland forest tracts. Destinations range from small urban boutiques to large remote industrial complexes. The systems,

Interfacing Forest Engineering with Bioenergy Production Read More »

Catastrophic failure from parallel to grain tension, not shear

Mode of Failure Model for Cutting Solid Section Biomass

Abstract Solid section biomass, such as wood and the node-zone of crop residues, has distinct modes of failure when loaded in cross grain shear. Shear bar design plays a part in determining what the failure mode will be at a given depth of penetration. Other factors include shear location relative to an unconstrained end and

Mode of Failure Model for Cutting Solid Section Biomass Read More »

Large Square Bales of Woody Slash

Biomass Baling into Large Square Bales for Efficient Transport, Storage, and Handling

Abstract  Forest Concepts is working under a federal contract from the USDA CSREES SBIR program to develop better methods to collect and transport woody biomass collected from small-scale fuels reduction projects (ranging from residential lots to 20 acre parcels) in the true wildland-urban intermix zone (WUI). Our specific objective is to enable more of the

Biomass Baling into Large Square Bales for Efficient Transport, Storage, and Handling Read More »