WoodStraw® ECM
Wood Strand Erosion Control Mulch
WoodStraw® is a patented, engineered wood strand erosion control material with highly effective wind and water erosion control characteristics useful for burned area emergency response (BAER), road maintenance/obliteration, mine reclamation, construction, and any other disturbed soil projects.
Key features and benefits include:
- Performs better than agricultural straw in rainy and windy conditions
- Naturally 100% weed and pesticide free
- Promotes revegetation while increasing water infiltration
- Minimizes surface and soil erosion and rilling – even on steep slopes
- Easily applied by hand, straw blower, or helicopter
- Suitable for use on construction sites, burned areas, mine reclamation, pipelines, roads powerlines, and other disturbed landscapes
Regulatory approvals:
- Approved by the Washington State Department of Transportation and added to their Qualified Product List (QPL) for use on road and highway projects across the state
- Accepted by Washington State Department of Ecology under BMP C-121 for erosion and sediment control
- Approved by Oregon State Department of Transportation (ODOT) for inclusion on their Qualified Products List (QPL)
- Approved by Idaho State Department of Transportation for use on road and highway projects
Many states, counties and agencies have unique requirements and approval processes for erosion control materials such as WoodStraw® mulch.

For more information visit our dedicated WoodStraw® ECM web page: www.woodstraw.com
For sales in WA, ID, OR, CA, NV, AZ, or Canada
Matt King, Director of Sales and Innovation
Heartwood Biomass – Wallawa, OR
For sales in CO, WY, NE, SD, or KS
Gus Connelly, Director of Sales
Mountain Pine Manufacturing – Steamboat Springs, CO
Read more about our WoodStraw® technology:

Juanita Bay Park Meadow Project (WoodStraw® ECM Application)
Juanita Bay Park (Kirkland, WA) In early December, we visited Juanita Bay Park in Kirkland, Washington, where WoodStraw® erosion control material had been applied for a greenspace restoration project. The park, which was a former golf course, provides a natural

Riverbend Levee Setback and Floodplain Restoration Project (WoodStraw® ECM Application)
Cedar River – Lake Washington Watershed (Renton, WA) We had the privilege of visiting with the Walsh Group in October after their recent application of WoodStraw® erosion control material. They reached out to us in early October looking to cover

Field Experience with Wood-Strand Erosion Control Mulch on Mine and Pipeline Projects
Abstract Soil erosion is a significant risk during and after grading operations on mine and pipeline sites. A range of materials are commercially available to reduce the erosive effects of wind and/or rainfall, including agricultural straw, hydraulic mulches, and rolled

Development and Application of Wood-Strand Material for Post-Wildfire Erosion Control and Revegetation
Abstract Soil erosion is a significant risk on burned areas following wildfires due to loss of vegetation, fine surface debris, and fireline construction. Erosion may be triggered by wind, resulting in loss of topsoil and ash with resulting air quality

A Wood-Strand Material for Wind Erosion Control: Effects on Total Sediment Loss
Abstract Fugitive dust from eroding land poses risks to environmental quality and human health, and thus, is regulated nationally based on ambient air quality standards for particulate matter with mean aerodynamic diameter <= 10 µm (PM10) established in the Clean

Evaluating Material Properties to Optimize Wood Strands for Wind Erosion Control
Abstract Wind erosion is a widespread problem in much of the western United States due to arid conditions and persistent winds. Fugitive dust from eroding land poses a risk to both environmental quality and human health. Since the advent of