Crumbles® Feedstocks
Highly Uniform, Highly Flowable Precision Feedstocks
Our patent-protected Crumbles® feedstocks are designed to meet your project’s specifications.
Key Features and Benefits Include:
- Controlled particle length along the fiber
- Controlled thickness across the grain
- High surface area to volume
- High flowability and augerability

Want to learn more? Download our International Biomass Conference 2015 Crumbles® presentation:
Some of the Materials We Can Use:
(Hover Over Images to See Descriptions)
Email us to obtain a quote, discuss your project, or schedule a demonstration at our Auburn facility.
Read more about our Crumbles® technology:

Flowability of Crumbler Rotary Shear Size-Reduced Granular Biomass: An Experiment-Informed Modeling Study on the Angle of Repose
Abstract Biomass has potential as a carbon-neutral alternative to petroleum for chemical and energy products. However, complete replacement of fossil fuel is contingent upon efficient processes to eliminate undesirable characteristics of biomass, e.g., low bulk density, variability, and storage-induced quality

Innovations in Biomass Pretreatment
Abstract In this 11-minute presentation, Forest Concepts Chief Technology Officer Jim Dooley shares key innovations in biomass pretreatment. These innovations have been made possible through a key funding partnership with the DOE. The objectives of the work at Forest Concepts have

Techno-Economic Analysis of Forest Concepts, LLC Crumbler® Operated at Proton Power to Process Crumbles® from Hardwood Chips
Abstract Developing cost-effective methods for processing biomass into an economic biofuel product is critical to the success for the bioenergy industry in the United States. Size reduction and drying of the material, where used, are two of the most costly

Forest Concepts Receives 2015 AE50 Award for its novel Crumbles® precision feedstocks
Under a DOE SBIR project, Forest Concepts developed the Crumbles® Precision Feedstocks, deemed one of the year’s most innovative designs in engineering products or systems for the food and agriculture industries. The Crumbles® Precision Feedstocks will be featured in the

Dr. James Dooley Co-Authors Two of the Three Articles Featured on the Cover of the January 2013 Issue of Biofuels
Dr. James Dooley, Chief Technology Officer of Forest Concepts, was the co-author of two of the three articles featured on the cover of the January 2013 issue of Biofuels, a leading peer reviewed science and engineering journal published in the

Forest Concepts’ Crumbles® Precision Feedstock Manufacturing Process Featured at DOE Workshop and Webinar
Chief Technology Office Jim Dooley was among a select few non-DOE employees featured in a two-day workshop on biomass feedstock preprocessing at the Idaho National Laboratory August 23-24, 2011 and on a globally broadcast webinar “Transforming Biomass into Feedstock” on