Forest Concepts Research & Development

Roundwood Hylebos

Technical Products from Small Diameter Timber for Habitat Enhancement and Watershed Restoration

Abstract  An under-appreciated outlet for small diameter roundwood is in watershed restoration, environmental, and habitat enhancement programs. Over $2 billion is spent in North America on habitat enhancement and watershed restoration each year. Of that amount, our estimate is that approximately $300 million is spent on materials that could be made from small diameter timber. […]

Technical Products from Small Diameter Timber for Habitat Enhancement and Watershed Restoration Read More »

ELJ assembly ernaga

Technical Background: Engineered Log Jams

Introduction Depletion and loss of functional large woody debris from streams and rivers of the Pacific Northwest is identified as a contributor to the decline in salmonid populations. Salmon, bull trout, steelhead and other fish are dependent on large woody debris (LWD) and channel morphology resulting from the presence of LWD for many of their

Technical Background: Engineered Log Jams Read More »

Siskin Ridge ELWd

Application and Functional Performance of Engineered LWD

Abstract  An engineered large woody debris structure has been designed and developed for use in habitat and watershed restoration projects. The structure was designed according to the Appreciative Design method to accommodate readily available wood materials, low-tech manufacturing methods, and volunteer-based installation. Technical features include a high organic surface area, structural integrity in an all-wood

Application and Functional Performance of Engineered LWD Read More »

Salmon Habitat ELWd

Functional performance of engineered LWD for fish and wildlife habitat enhancement

Abstract  An engineered large woody debris structure has been designed and developed for use in habitat and watershed restoration projects. The ELWd® structure was designed according to the Appreciative Design method to accommodate readily available wood materials, low-tech manufacturing methods, and volunteer-based installation. Technical features include a high organic surface area, structural integrity in an

Functional performance of engineered LWD for fish and wildlife habitat enhancement Read More »

Forest in Missoula Montana

Near-surface and Subsurface Sensing and Mapping for Site-Specific Operational Decisions: Scoping Paper

Introduction Operational practice of precision forestry enables improved forest industry competitiveness and heightened environmental performance. The present study explores precision forestry concepts and technologies in the context of forestry, forest management and silviculture. This paper looks primarily at the case of plantation forestry. Many of the concepts and details of precision forestry apply to short-rotation

Near-surface and Subsurface Sensing and Mapping for Site-Specific Operational Decisions: Scoping Paper Read More »

Using ELWd on forest trail

Recasting Industrial Problems for Use in an Academic Setting

Abstract  Most industrial problems must be recast for use in undergraduate courses. Recasting often includes problem simplification and adaptation to the educational objectives of the course. Requirements for disclosure of proprietary or trade secret information must be avoided. A number of examples are provided in the fields of forest, agricultural and horticultural engineering. About the

Recasting Industrial Problems for Use in an Academic Setting Read More »

Roundwood Bioengineering Habitats

Stakeholder Influence on Design of Aquatic Habitats

Abstract  An empirical study was conducted across Washington State to explore the social dynamics of designers and other project participants involved in fish habitat improvement projects. We found compelling evidence of design being a social process that readily accommodated stakeholder needs. Traditional engineering decision making methods were not used in spite of the highly technical

Stakeholder Influence on Design of Aquatic Habitats Read More »

Bioengineered woody debris for wetland habitat

Engineered Large Woody Debris for Aquatic, Riparian and Upland Habitat

Introduction Over the past 100 years we have witnessed dramatic declines in salmonid populations in the Pacific Northwest. Although hatchery influences, dams, and overfishing have also played significant roles, freshwater habitat loss and degradation is acknowledged to have contributed to the decline of virtually every species of Pacific salmon in western North America (National Research

Engineered Large Woody Debris for Aquatic, Riparian and Upland Habitat Read More »