Woody Biomass Bale

Summary Report for Woody Biomass Baling Pilot Project


This project was the result of a proposal submitted by Forest Concepts, LLC to The Pacific Gas & Electric Company PG&E), through the PG&E / ADL Ventures ProblemSpace competition. The objective was to demonstrate baling as a lower cost alternative to chipping of woody biomass produced from powerline vegetation management programs. Baling has the potential to reduce gathering and transportation cost, reduce noise complaints associated with chippers, improve crew safety, and improve labor productivity.  The pilot was conducted on an active vegetation management project in Lake County, California. Results were positive on all elements of the desired benefits. Baling was found to enable decoupling of gathering of roadside woody biomass from the “first mile” hauling compared to chipper systems which greatly increased crew productivity. 


Dooley, J.H., M.J. Wamsley, J.M. Perry, and D.N. Lanning. 2021. Summary Report for Woody Biomass Baling Pilot Project. Auburn, WA, Forest Concepts,  LLC.: 19pp.


James H. Dooley, Matthew J. Wamsley, Jason M. Perry, David N. Lanning

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