Biomass Flow Characterization through CTT

Biomass Flow Mechanical Properties Characterization


This presentation was given by Forest Concepts’ collaborator Pennsylvania State University and lead by Hojae Yi.

Unreliable handling of biomass is widely observed in plants using milled biomass. Flow behavior of bulk solids is a manifestation of mechanical interactions between the particulate material and handling equipment. 

Overall, the current issue of unreliable biomass handling is contributed both by the limitation of characterization methods and by the use of inappropriate analytical biomass flow models. This study aims to show the use of a true cubical triaxial tester (“CTT”) in characterizing bulk biomass flow behavior. 

Using CTT will overcome existing gaps in engineering practices of biomass handling and highlight shortcomings of theoretical limitations of biomass flow models.

Please also see Design of a Biomass Scale Cubical Triaxial Tester.

About the Presentation 

Yi, H., V. Puri, C. J. Lanning and J. Dooley (2020). Prepared for presentation at the 2020 ASABE Annual International Meeting, July 12-15, 2020.

This work is supported by the Department of Energy under grant DE-EE0008254 and partially supported by USDA NIFA Agricultural Experiment Station project PEN-4601.

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