Cubical Triaxial Tester Biomass Handling Measurement

Overview of DOE Flowability Measurement and Modeling Project at Forest Concepts and Penn State University


New and improved laboratory equipment to measure biomass physical, mechanical, and flowability properties are being developed to prototype stage within this project. Improved analytical models and simulation tools are being developed to improve the design of biomass handling unit operations such as hoppers, chutes, feeders, and the like. The objective of the project is to contribute to the design and operation of reliable, cost effective, continuous feeding of biomass feedstocks into a reactor of an integrated biorefinery.

Below, please find links to both the published paper and a narrated presentation led by Forest Concepts Chief Technology Officer Jim Dooley.

About the Publication 

Dooley, J. H., C. J. Lanning, H. Yi and V. Puri (2020). Written for presentation at the 2020 ASABE Annual International Meeting, July 12-15, 2020. Auburn, WA, Forest Concepts, LLC.

Read the full article in PDF format: 

Watch the narrated presentation: